Pioneer initiatives in teaching Industrial Design at FA-UFRGS


  • Maria do Carmo Curtis
  • Liane Roldo



History of design teaching, industrial design, Rio Grande do Sul


The article explores the starting process of design education in Rio Grande do Sul State based on a survey and analysis of three initiatives at the Faculty of Architecture, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (FA-UFRGS). More specifically, it is a chapter of a doctoral thesis regarding the creation of the design in local scope. The tools used in this essay were: interviews, gathering and analysis of historic documents as well as literature review. It was verified that the academic debate that took place, in the 1960s, at FA-UFRGS stimulated pioneer actions in teaching industrial design. However, a combination of events and institutional factors hindered the successful implementation of the industrial design course. The present discussion may contribute to the understanding of why the implementation of design teaching was late in Rio Grande do Sul State.


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How to Cite

Curtis, M. do C., & Roldo, L. (2019). Pioneer initiatives in teaching Industrial Design at FA-UFRGS. DAT Journal, 4(1), 98–115.