Peer Review

The scope of articles submitted to the DATJournal is considered initially after a preliminary examination by its editors. Texts considered as having potential for publication are sent for critical evaluation by two blind reviewers. The journal counts on the collaboration of external reviewers and the members of the Editorial Board of DATJournal. 

Reviewers should disclose to publishers any conflicts of interest in which they may influence their views on the manuscript, and you may declare yourself unqualified to review specific originals if you believe this is appropriate.

The opinions must present a critical evaluation of the articles, revealing the importance of them. If the opinion indicates the recast, all sections should be pointed out with prominence of paragraphs or pages, as the case may be.

In cases of disagreement after deliberation on the opinions of these two reviewers, a proposed article is sent to a third, independent reviewer.

Final approval for publication of the article is subject to the following criteria:

- Favorable recommendation of the arbitrators;

- Full compliance with the corrections/adjustments requested by the publishers.