Laboratory of Light
El audiovisual interactivo con técnicas de mapping en espacios no convencionales
Artistic installation, Light, Technology, Interactive, Video mappingAbstract
The Light Laboratory is an interdisciplinary research group formed in 1990 at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia. In these 25 years of experience she has been interested in exploring the phenomena associated with light as carrier and forms of artistic expression, the relationship between art and science, and its capacity in the production of knowledge. Based on experiments with devices precinematicos to contemporary digital technologies. Currently under the title ‘mutant screens’ is developing a research project on the possibilities of mapping techniques applied to public spaces, art installations and performing arts and extensive review of published material about it.
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MARTÍNEZ ARROYO, E.J.; DOMENECH IBAÑEZ, M.; LÓPEZ POQUET, J. Proyecciones de video mapping en el Cabanyal, interferencias desde el arte en la ciudad en conflicto; In 2º CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL ACC: ARTE, CIENCIA, CIUDAD, Valencia. Actas…Valencia: UPV. 2015
MARTÍNEZ ARROYO, E.J.; DOMENECH IBAÑEZ, M.; LÓPEZ POQUET, J.; GRACIA BENSA T Las proyecciones audiovisuales en pantallas no convencionales, antecedentes del video mapping; en el II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN ARTES VISUALES. ||. Valencia. Actas…Valencia: UPV. 2015.
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MARTÍNEZ ARROYO, E., DOMENCH IBAÑEZ, M. Cabanyal Portes Obertes un proyecto de intervenciones artísticas, política y urbanismo. Disponible en <> [consulta el 5/11/2015]
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