Buen Vivir and perspectives for sustainable design


  • Julia Teles da Silva




Sustainability, Living Well, Ecodesign, Traditional Communities


The article aims to create a dialogue between the concept of Buen Vivir (Living Well) and the proposals of sustainable Design. It is based on literature review and the article starts by presenting the concept of Buen Vivir, or Sumak Kawsay, originally in Quechua language, as explained by the Ecuadorian author Alberto Acosta. Buen Vivir observes what the Andean and Amazonian peoples can teach us about another way of life - a less productive way of life, seeing nature and communities as part of a whole. Buen Vivir offers an alternative to the western proposal of development. The article then presents a review of the proposals of sustainable Design - with proposals for eco-efficiency, use of renewable materials, creation of durable products and the idea of product sharing, explaining the concepts of social innovation and of sufficient consumption. From there, as a result, we establish a convergence between Buen Vivir and Sustainable Design, creating a Latin American perspective for the theme


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Author Biography

Julia Teles da Silva

Doutora em Design pela PUC-Rio e atualmente é Professora Visitante no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design da UFCG (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande) e colaboradora do DeSSIn (Grupo de Estudos Design na Leitura de Sujeitos e Suportes em Interação) do PPGDesign da PUC-Rio. É mestra em Design pelo mesmo curso na PUC, bacharel em Comunicação Social (Cinema) pela Universidade Federal Fluminense e cursou três anos de Desenho Industrial na ESDI, UERJ. Pesquisa design com materiais naturais, design colaborativo e design de comunidades tradicionais.


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How to Cite

Teles da Silva, J. (2021). Buen Vivir and perspectives for sustainable design. DAT Journal, 6(1), 142–156. https://doi.org/10.29147/dat.v6i1.332