Kansei Engineering asa bases for the development of design and creation processes in an educational game
Design, Emotion, Autistic Game, Game Mobile, Educational GameAbstract
This article aims to present and discuss design processes involved in the development of the prototype of a digital game for tablets and smartphones with a focus on behavioral intervention in the treatment of symptoms of autism. Autistic children have great difficulty in understanding human emotions, and based on this need, the ideation of the game is designed to provide them with this type of content, a playful and educational means that teach them subjectively about emotions and also help them to develop and improve other skills, such as motor coordination, quick thinking, differentiation, among others. Based on the data collected on autism and child development and with the help of the Kansei methodology, the game consists of using a character as a key element, through which the player comes into contact with the teaching content while playing, with interactions with the character and their emotions, which are respectively based on the actions taken.
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