
The raw material for the industry of the future


  • Fabiano Trein
  • Aguinaldo Santos
  • Alexandre Vargas
  • Marco Antônio Rodrigues
  • Ana Claudia Trein
  • Débora Barauna




Reverse logistic, Circular Economy, Waste


One of the major environmental problems of today is the high volume of solid
waste generated by the industry to supply the demand for consumer goods of the world population. In this sense, the presentation of this article aims to present practical cases where the authors’ actual participation in the use of industrial waste as raw material in the production of new products, in line with Eco-design, took place. It also explains the importance of the preliminary tests for the characterization of the residues, the details of the productive processes necessary for its incorporation and the validation of the final
products in relationto their final application.


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How to Cite

Trein, F., Santos, A., Vargas, A., Rodrigues, M. A., Trein, A. C., & Barauna, D. (2017). Waste: The raw material for the industry of the future. DAT Journal, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.29147/2526-1789.DAT.2017v2i2p19-33