The Role of Image in Academic Argumentation: investigation of design practices and academic research in jewelry design


  • Henny Aguiar Bizarro Rosa Favaro AJESP/IBGM



Academic research, Project practice, Creative production, Jewelry design.


In this article, the results obtained from the studies carried out from the thesis “Jewelry Design and Academic Research: limits and overlaps”, presented at the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program (PPGAU/FAU- Mackenzie) will be exposed. The research seeks to build a connection between jewelry design and academic research, based on the principle that we assume similarly to what happens in the arts: it is usually read, described and discussed through vocabulary derived from the theory of traditional science. However, there is dissatisfaction with a terminology that does not capture what we experience as essential and fascinating events in the arts and design. For this reason, some aspects of this dissatisfaction were presented, with the theoretical framework built between the so-called Practice based Research theme (translated in Brazil - 'Academic Research in the area of ​​Project Practice), in the stricto sensu postgraduate scope, vis-à-vis the analysis of concrete cases of academic research in jewelry design, at


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Author Biography

Henny Aguiar Bizarro Rosa Favaro, AJESP/IBGM

Doutora em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela FAU – Mackenzie, Mestre em Educação, Arte e História da Cultura UPM e graduada em Artes Plásticas pela mesma universidade. Foi docente e orientadora de monografia de graduação em Design, e Pós-Graduação Latto Sensu da FAU- Mackenzie. Participou do Grupo de estudos que desenvolveu texto para a normalização do desenho técnico de joias (ABNT- NBR 17041); atualmente faz parte do grupo de trabalho para elaboração do Glossário Técnico de Joalheria, (AJESP/IBGM); e do grupo de pesquisa “Núcleo Design Joia: Metodologia de Projeto de Produtos aplicado ao setor joalheiro”, do departamento de Gemologia da UFES.


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How to Cite

Aguiar Bizarro Rosa Favaro, H. . . (2022). The Role of Image in Academic Argumentation: investigation of design practices and academic research in jewelry design. DAT Journal, 7(3), 272–288.