Quantitative research in design projects aimed at social inclusion: the use of multivariate analysis
design, multivariate analysis, social inclusionAbstract
People with some physical, intellectual or sensory impairment have specific needs, which are not always met, generating social exclusion. Design projects can bring benefits capable of assisting in the inclusion of these individuals, as they provide solutions focused on this audience. Thus, not only qualitative techniques can contribute to facing this exclusion, but also quantitative ones, as they allow the generalization of results and the simultaneous analysis of variables. In this article, we investigate design projects that use multivariate analysis techniques aimed at people with disabilities. A systematic review was performed, resulting in nine articles studied in full. The most used technique was multiple regression, which serves to understand user decisions. These articles deal with design projects related to ergonomics, technology, furniture, experiences, products and graphic design. This article discusses the potential that multivariate analysis provides when it is explored in the field of design.
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