The afro-religious audiovisual collection of Paulo César: representation of ancestrality and preservation of the memory of the people of santo de Cachoeira BA
Candomblé, Memory, Audiovisual, Design AnthropologyAbstract
The approach to the dialogue between ancestry and audiovisual, aims to seek to preserve the memory of the people of saint through the video recording of the routine and reality of candomblé terreiros in the city of Cachoeira, in the Recôncavo Baiano. In this sense, the objective is to present fragments of the afro-religious culture of the people of saint, seeking a reflection to mitigate existing prejudices in society, as well as a contribution to the representation of ancestry and preservation of the memory of the people of santo of Cachoeira BA. These are ethnographic and methodological notes on the representation of the ancestry of the people of saint present in the audiovisual collection of Paulo César. Through ethnographic study and using design and anthropology methodologies, resulting in the creation of an audiovisual collection. Based on the systematization of the knowledge acquired, this text tries to be a mechanism for the diffusion of Afro-religious culture and candomblé terreiro parties in Cachoeira through the filmic record of Paulo César.
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