Deaf Culture in Museums: the Place of Speech in Deaf Mediation
Deaf Culture, Mediation in Museums, Libras (Brazilian Sign Language), Deaf ProtagonismAbstract
In Brazil, the number of deaf people who act as educators and mediators is very small. The hypothesis raised by this article is that the mediation between deaf educator and deaf public is fundamental. When the deaf person is assisted by a hearing person, even if he knows how to communicate in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language), the mediation is incomplete because many communication codes are lost in the interaction and the interpreter of Libras listener does not fully master the vocabulary necessary to pass on the information, the thought, the abstractions, the feeling among other specificities that only the member of the deaf culture knows. To develop this hypothesis, the article brings three case studies: (1) the participation of deaf people in the naming of works in Libras by the sculptor Aleijadinho in the city of Congonhas, in Minas Gerais, (2) the elaboration of the video guide of the Pinacoteca Museum in the city of São Paulo and (3) the Museum of Deaf History, Arts and Culture and the William J. Marra Museum in the city of Olathe, Kansas, USA, which has been dedicated exclusively to Deaf Culture since 2001.
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