Monoculture, Monotechnic, Mononature – conflicts of technobiodiverse existences in hegemonic systems
Cosmotechnics, Art-Technology, Interactive Installation, Philosophy Of TechnologyAbstract
Thinking of different forms of existence in the digital is an exercise of articulating the technobiodiverse agents of their environment. We propose an ecological thinking that encompasses technology through poetic creation. Thus, we discuss the interactive installation “monoculture, monotenic, mononature” in the context of an ontological investigation of technology, reviewing the Modern ruptures between culture, technique and nature. We start with an investigation with the Eucalyptus, the most planted tree in Brazil, but of Australian origin. While in its native territory it is responsible for maintaining much of the local biodiversity and is seen as sacred by the aboriginal populations, in Brazil it was introduced in a monoculture system that interferes with biodiversity and generates conflict in territories with local populations. Therefore, we propose a reflection with distinct elements of the artwork, from the concept of cosmotechnics, to highlight the conflicts of multiple and technobiodiverse existences in the current hegemonic technological systems, pointing out how the construction of a poetics of care can indicate new paths for technological thinking.
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