Women in Brazilian furniture design: reflections on an analysis of bibliographic records
Women, Furniture design, Design historiography, History of furniture, GenderAbstract
In the design field, as in other project-related activities, gender asymmetries negatively impact the participation of women professionals. This article focuses on analyzing the literature related to Brazilian furniture design, aiming to reflect on the presence of women in this type of record. To achieve this, a qualitative-quantitative research approach was conducted through an exploratory review of three books covering the history of furniture design in Brazil. The quantity of mentions of both women and men in each book was compared, and also the way these professionals were portrayed was analyzed. It was noted that the presence of women ranges from 2% to 23%, increasing as the depicted time period advances. However, it is still necessary to address the gender disparity in these records and question aspects of privilege that occur among the women mentioned.
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