Poiesis of the body





Poiesis, Autopoiesis, Devices


In the context of technological art, there is an approximation between poiesis and praxis, which then don’t oppose, it may occur to things that are (re) fabricated by work in the process of creation, product and result of an intentional act inscribed in the field poiesis and praxis, in an attitude of dialogism. The text discusses these issues and describes work in progress carried out in collaboration between the teams that make up the Media Lab / BR network.


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How to Cite

Venturelli, S., Rocha, C., Augusto da Silva, T., Coutinho, C., Cabral Reis, A., Bartholo, C., Mutti, G., Balduíno, G., Ramalho, L., Luize Martins, T., & Hargreaves, P. (2018). Poiesis of the body. DAT Journal, 3(1), 147–155. https://doi.org/10.29147/dat.v3i1.78