Perception of the rate of sexualization in the design of female characters in con- temporary games
games, game art, female characters, sexualizationAbstract
The female image in the media is constantly the subject of controversy and publicized because of how this possible impacts on male and female perception. It is constant in all forms of narratives, including in the world of video games, where there are sexist stereotypes for female characters. This article aimed to understand the degree of female sexualization in a descriptive-normative way in contemporary games, through the analysis of the presence or absence of sexualization in parts of the body, defined by a literature review: torso, bust, lower limbs and buttock/hip. Through a checklist, five most played characters from Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, League of Legends and Genshin Impact were evaluated and it was concluded that these productions use recurring techniques of intentional anatomical emphasis and they use clothing for sexualization, in addition to constantly emphasize the pelvis and neck region. These results serve as a methodological reference for the analysis of characteristics that sexualize women, in order to guide productions and discussions to modify the current scenario.
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