Appearance Design of Pombagira
crosses between bodies and gender representations in Umbanda
Appearance design, body, Umbanda, PombagiraAbstract
This article investigates some of the representations of gender in Umbanda, in connection with the concept of “appearance design”. Starting from a historical contextualization, some of the dynamics of the body are investigated, in the rituals of this Afro-Brazilian religion, with emphasis on the trance of incorporation and the use of artifacts, around discussions about gender and constituent elements of appearance. In this sense, we consider the figure of Pombagira, perceiving it in relation to hegemonic and counter-hegemonic representations in Brazilian society and culture. It is hoped that this research will contribute to expanding the understanding of gender representations in Afro-Brazilian Umbanda, emphasizing the potential of bodies and embodiments, in challenging pre-established norms.
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