Haptic perception of textures: the influence of different materials used in 3D printing
3D Printing, Tactile Perception, Visual Impairments, Inclusive DesignAbstract
3D printing has potential in inclusive design, with haptic systems benefiting people with visual impairments (PwDVs), highlighting control and speed in production. However, there is little understanding about haptic perception when interacting with different materials. The present study aimed to verify whether the use of PLA, PETG and TPU materials in 3D printing affects the haptic perception of textures. An experiment was carried out with 50 sighted participants, but who used exclusively the haptic sense, and whose task, hidden by a visual barrier, was to order five samples of each of the materials (from lowest to highest texture density). The TPU showed better results in effectiveness (more correct answers) and significant capacity (p≤0.05) in the haptic perception of different texture densities; and PETG was time-efficient. Despite being recommended for haptic systems, PLA had inferior results, suggesting that the choice of material in 3D printing must consider the quality of users’ haptic perception.
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