You are being observed! Surveillance design in the work of Vitória Cribb
Surveillance design, Surveillance Culture, Digital art, Vitória CribbAbstract
This article presents an analysis of surveillance design through a look at a digital artistic production. It highlights this critical approach, in the context of the surveillance culture present in contemporary society, as a product of technological advances, whose systems incorporate greater dependence on digital mediation into everyday life. The qualitative research combines theoretical foundations carried out by bibliographic survey with a case study of artistic audiovisual production content: avatars, images, videos and narratives. It adopts the work of artist and designer Vitória Cribb as a reference, drawing parallels between her proposals and the surveillance concepts. It problematizes canons and technological paradigms through an imagetic production of unique aesthetics that criticizes stereotypes that inhabit dystopian spaces and evoke feelings of discomfort, observation and surveillance. In addition, it discusses the processes of control, censorship and lack of inclusion of digital platforms. The article highlights new paradigms and forms of interpersonal relationships mediated by digital platforms, which result in visual rhetoric and original expression formats in the field of arts and design.
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