Evaluation of Evolutionary Algorithms for humanized and homeodynamic hospital projects
Homeodynamic and humanized hospital architecture, Generative design, Evolutionary Algorithms, Multi-objective optimization, Healthcare professionAbstract
The architectural configurations of healthcare environments, including articulation with external spaces, natural elements and environmental variables, directly impact the biological homeostasis of nursing teams. In addition to construction criteria, the personal preferences of indoor occupants have been increasingly met by the use of evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms. Through a literature systematic review, the intention was to reach the state of the art regarding the use of this technology to improve hospital spaces, especially considering the architectural preferences of nurses. To this end, this work was based on the transdisciplinary cooperation proposed by the Homeodynamic Environments and Products concept, which aim to restore and maintain the users’ health. The results obtained cover eleven works that sought to optimize hospital facades and floor plans. From this results it was possible to identify the integration of nurses’ preferences in archictetural design of hospital environments as a significant research gap. Together with evolutionary algorithms, these design variables represent a significant advance in the creation of homeodynamic and humanized hospital environments.
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