Games for change oriented towards human and social values: A proposal for Undergraduate Design students
Games for change, values in games, conscientious designer, game designAbstract
The first commercial video games emerged in the late 1970s as simple means of entertainment, consisting of elementary rules and a focus on gameplay. In the following years, they also became powerful vehicles for transmitting significant messages. As in any form of communication, the messages present in games can disseminate ethical, human and social values. On the other hand, the so-called games for change correspond to a category of game that proposes a change in player behavior through its message, then they naturally provide the expression of values. What is in question is whether Design courses focused on game development include this approach in their curriculum. Thus, this work aims to evaluate the application of an undergraduate project that offers the opportunity for students to reflect on the values they are dealing with when developing a game for change. This research presents results that reinforce the importance of this proposal, as it allows design students to actively understand the potential of games as persuasive means.
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