Design, Territorialities and Anthropocene
Design, Territorialities, Anthropocene, DwellingAbstract
The article presents the line of research Design, Territorialities, and the Anthropocene, proposed in 2024 as part of the reformulation of the Graduate Program in Design of the Design School of the State University of Rio de Janeiro. This line of research aims to gather studies investigating the practice of design in the Anthropocene, dwelling, and territorialities, focusing on controversies on making, territorial disputes, social struggles, and the colonial matrix of power, highlighting the political dimension of design. Organized into three parts, the article first outlines how the research line explores the relationships between design and various disciplinary fields such as anthropology, philosophy, history, architecture, urbanism, and art. The second part advocates for situated theoretical-methodological approaches, worked within the line through speculative, critical, collaborative, cartographic, or project-based forms. The third part presents examples of how these perspectives intertwine in different compositions within the groups and laboratories that make up the research line, experimenting with ways to imagine, narrate, fabulate, fiction, and contest paths for the future.
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