Letterpress printing at Caruaru

History of some print shops


  • Buggy Leonardo A. Costa
  • Lia Alcântara Rodrigues
  • Laryssa Deyse de Lima Silva




Caruaru, Typography, History, Design, Printing


The city of Caruaru houses a fragment of Brazilian typography history that is not properly registered on books. In order to contribute to a better assignment of such facts, researchers inquired some members of the graphic industry in Caruaru, promoting interviews and scouring documents to enrich the few existing reports on the subject. The cast of important remaining characters in local typography; the record of their speeches; some findings that corroborated the longevity of the printers on the countryside of Pernambuco; the discovery of inconsistencies on the prominent work of the illustrious Professor Luiz do Nascimento (1994); and, above all, some notes on opportunities for local design to persevere on typography and expand their working field are some of the main contributions of this work.



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How to Cite

Leonardo A. Costa, B., Alcântara Rodrigues, L., & Deyse de Lima Silva, L. (2016). Letterpress printing at Caruaru: History of some print shops. DAT Journal, 1(1), 71–89. https://doi.org/10.29147/2526-1789.DAT.2016v1i1p71-89