Afrofuturism as Design
Design, Afrofuturism, Afrofuturistic Design, Album CoversAbstract
The article aims to place Afrofuturism as a design project. Therefore, it starts from a web of design meanings— proposed by Cardoso, Papanek and Flusser— to contextualize the activity from the breadth inherent in its concept, allied with the definitions of Afrofuturism proposed by Yaszek and Dery, which conceive it as a broad movement that emerges from the encounter of technology with the ancestral experiences of the people of the African diaspora. The article lists the issues related to the memory, past and culture of the African people, based on Hall and Benjamin, with the creation of possibilities for the future: the development of the project and materialized artifacts are the necessary relationship to frame Afrofuturism as a design project. To exhibit this relationship, the Afrofuturist album covers “Space is the place”, “The Archiandroid” and “Xenia” were analysed by the elements of visual language proposed by Lupton and Philips.
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