Biomedical Images and New Body Design in Contemporary Art
Tori Ellison
Biomedical Images, Technical Device, Body Design, Tori EllisonAbstract
This essay deals with biomedical images in contemporary art from a study
that articulates visual arts, history of techno-images, contemporary philosophy and aesthetics, sociology and medicine in order to investigate the extent to which appropriations of biomedical images are linked to technical devices and Aesthetic hybridism. The theoretical foundation is based on the transdisciplinary approach and the historical-critical reference to approach the thinking of Michel Foucault (exam and device), Vilém Flusser (programming and techno-images) and Peter Burke (cultural hybridism). The study was based on biomedical images in the work of the American artist Tori Ellison, who composes the corpus of research. The results point out that the
different corporality resulting from the use of biomedical images provoke different processes of subjectivity production and new body designs that can be experienced as pure imagery experiences.
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