The History of Design Thinking


  • Daniel de Salles Canfield



History, Design Thinking, Precursors, World, Brazil


This article aims to carry out a historical research of Design Thinking (DT). Based on a bibliographic research, a DT timeline was structured and its main events were described: its precursors; the emergence in the world and Brazil. The results demonstrate a conceptual transformation of DT over time, originating from an academic discourse and, currently, a managerial recognition and implementation.


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Author Biography

Daniel de Salles Canfield

Doutor em design pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, possui mestrado em marketing pela Dublin Business School (Irlanda), MBA em design estratégico pela Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing e graduação em Desenho Industrial/ Programação Visual pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Atualmente é professor de design gráfico da Universidade Federal de Goiás.


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How to Cite

Canfield, D. de S. (2021). The History of Design Thinking. DAT Journal, 6(4), 223–235.