The human-centered design and the challenges for human-computer interaction from ISO 9241-210:2019
Human-Centred Design, Human-Cpmputer Interaction, ISO, User Experience, Universal DesignAbstract
ISO 9241-210:2019 represents the state of the art in human-centered design approach. This article presents the results of the analysis of the changes in ISO's approach to human-centered design activities, providing subsidies to understand contemporary challenges in the field of design. In the discourse analysis of the historical series – ISO 13407:1999, ISO 9241-210:2010, and ISO 9241-210:2019 –, we concluded that there is a close relationship between the design of human-system interaction, as discussed in the document, and , respectively, the principles of human factors/ergonomics (1999), the user experience (2010) and universal design (2019). Due to accelerated social and environmental changes and constant technological advancement, the ISO standard for human-system interaction design should be understood more as a matrix than a paradigm for projects that seek alignment with the challenges that will be in the blind spot of the standard until the your next update.
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