The use of Biometric Identification Systems (BISs) and the Artificial Intelligence (AI): from autobiographic biometry to biometric biographies
Biometric Identification Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Autobiography, BiographyAbstract
The paper presented here comes from the research developed in Laboratório de Poéticas Fronteiriças ( - CNPq/UEMG), a research, development and innovation group that proposes to think the barriers of the relationship between art, science and technology. Therefore, this paper aims to introduce an analysis of the applications, influences and possible results of the indiscriminate use of Biometric Identification Systems (BISs). We want to debate how all of the specific requirements and applications, needed in order to make biometric identifications possible, end up creating a social problem (in the biographic field) that goes beyond the matter of data privacy from its users, specially when they are applied with Artificial Intelligences (AIs).
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