Univille Graduate Program: Achievements and Perspectives
Professional Master in Design, Design and Sustainability, Social and Professional InsertionAbstract
The Graduate Program in Design at Univille started its activities with the first offer of the Professional Master's in Design class at the University of the Region of Joinville (PPGDesign/Univille). Located in a privileged industrial hub in the north of the state of Santa Catarina (SC), the Program is committed to the public, private and third sector contexts from which its social and professional insertion derives, through applied, technological and strategic research. The report presents the structure, history and future perspectives of the Graduate Program in Design For this, documents, reports for external evaluation bodies such as CAPES, discipline reports and students' projects were consulted. The relevance is justified by the opportunity to reflect on the history and perspective of the course, more precisely over the celebrations of the course 10 years.
Professional Master in Design, Design and Sustainability, Social and Professional Insertion.
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