Modernism in Bauhaus: when art is not only contemplation
Bauhaus, Modernism, Industrial design, Art history , Modern designAbstract
The article proposes a literature review on the perspective of education in the Bauhaus school of modern design, a period that extends between 1919 and 1933 in Germany. Based on previously published state-of-the-art, the article analyzes the bibliographic production from two angles: publications that enunciate the relationship between industrial design and modernism as an aesthetic and political movement, publications that talk about the Bauhaus relationship with expectations and processes of change Social. In the course of the history of art and design, the authors seek to point out aspects that are common to the set of analyzes already produced on the subject, the gaps that have remained and the diversity of theoretical-methodological approaches on which they have relied. The article concludes by analyzing the influence of social and historical conditions on the formation of the Bauhaus.
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