Information Design and metaverse
mix of knowledge between in-terface design, expography and curatorship in virtual interactive worlds
Information Design, Interface Design, MetaverseAbstract
The text aims to present two virtual exhibitions that took place in the metaverse, in December 2022, focusing on information design and interdisciplinarity. The exhibitions were designed at the Interfaces Laboratory of the Industrial Design course at UFSM. Initially, the text highlights the concepts: (1) information design; (2) interface design; (3) metaverse. Subsequently, they are explained in the DI no Metaverso exhibition and in the Projetações do Isolamento exhibition, carried out by students from the Interfaces Laboratory of the Industrial Design course at UFSM, with general organization and curatorship by the author of the article. The design methodology used to carry out the virtual exhibitions was the specialist interface design method called 5I`s (Gasparetto, 2020). As a result, we have experiences that combine teaching, research and extension. Information design is included in phase 03, Instauration. Designing for the metaverse implies planning and executing in a three-dimensional way and the infodesign, in this space, is a fundamental part of expography.
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