Recommendations for acceptance of digital public services by low-income seniors in smart cities by human-centered design




Smart cities, Technology acceptance, Elderly, Human-Centered Design, TCMA


Background: In Brazil, the federal government has developed a digital platform for public health services, with state and municipal governments connecting their solutions to unify citizen registration. Objective: To understand the phenomena involved, in order to provide recommendations for the acceptance of digital technologies by low-income elderly people in the context of smart cities. Method: The theory of the consolidated meta-analytic approach (TCMA) was used for a systematic bibliographic review (SBR) and case studies presented in a Design Postgraduate class, carried out in collaboration between two Brazilian Federal Universities. Results: Creation of recommendations in three categories within the framework of human-centered design. Conclusions: This study identifies opportunities for the development of products, services and public policies for the digital inclusion of low-income older people in the context of smart cities.


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Author Biographies

Maria Lilian de Araújo Barbosa

Holds a PhD in Design from the Federal University of Paraná, with research focused on the integration of digital assistive technologies in housing for low-income seniors and human-entred design. STEAM background includes a degree in design (visual arts), a postgraduate degree in ergonomics, and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, with the best dissertation award at the 2019 International Workshop on Assistive Technology. Expertise includes qualitative research using qualitative datasoftware, artificial intelligence, project management, working with multidisciplinary teams, focus group development and conceptual tool design.

Lívia Flávia de Albuquerque Campos

Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Maranhão. She has a PhD in Design from Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - UNESP - Bauru. She holds a Master's degree in Design from the same institution. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design, with a major in Product Design, from the Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA. She is a permanent professor in the Graduate Programme in Design PPGDG - UFMA, in the Design and Ergonomics research line. She is co-leader of the Research Group and Laboratory LABDESIGN Experience and Innovation - UFMA. She is a member of UFMA's Research Ethics Committee. She is a reviewer for the journals: Estudos em Design, Educação Gráfica, Ergodesign and HCI and Tríades em Revista. Subjects of interest: Product and Interface Design, Product and Interface Ergonomics, Human x Product Experience.

Maria Lúcia Leite Ribeiro Okimoto

Post-doctorate at the Technische Universitat München, Fakultät für Maschinenwesen Lehrsthul für Ergonomie from July 2012 to Feb 2013, Germany. PhD in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and RWTH-Aachen, Germany (2000). Master's in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1994). Degree in Industrial Design from the Federal University of Paraná (1983). Full Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Federal University of Paraná. Vice-coordinator of the Graduate Programme in Design (2022-2024). Coordinator of the Araucária Foundation's NAPI-TA - New Research and Innovation Arrangements in Assistive Technology (2022-2027). Working in the Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering course at UFPR and in the Postgraduate Programmes: Mechanical Engineering (PGMEC) and DESIGN (PPGDesign) at UFPR. She coordinates the Ergonomics and Usability Laboratory (LABERG, UFPR). Coordinator of the Assistive Technology Research and Development Network (RPDTA). She works in the following areas: Product Development, Inclusive Design, Usability, Ergonomics, Assistive Technology, Smart DESIGN, Modelling.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, M. L. de A., Campos, L. F. de A., & Okimoto, M. L. L. R. (2024). Recommendations for acceptance of digital public services by low-income seniors in smart cities by human-centered design. DAT Journal, 9(2), 240–262.