Design in the technicity of human life: interfaces that shape the human being
Human-technology interaction, Reality, World, Social impactAbstract
The interaction between people and the world is mediated by technological devices. It is known that, in this context, the use of technical resources (i.e. the internet) has driven social transformations in the way humans communicate, both imposing new language patterns and changes in socialisation. This article aims to visualise how design can reflect on its implications in the current transformation of human experience through technology. To carry out this examination, an abstract-visual schematisation was drawn up using a narrative bibliographical approach, which is classified as basic, exploratory and qualitative research. The ways in which technological mediation allows design to think about its ontological and epistemological purposes were examined, reflecting the complexity of its theoretical and practical application in the projection of objects, things and artefacts, as well as in the production of meaning, significance, representation and the very question of human experience. Finally, an outline is presented of how the designer fundamentally influences the process of contemporary change in human action, which emphasises the relevance of an expanded approach to the impacts of the activity.
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