Artistic aspects in the design of graphic-visual brand identity


  • Sarah Schmithausen Schmiegelow
  • Richard Perassi Luiz de Sousa



Graphic Design, Art, Technology, Design Methodology, Graphic-visual Identity


Currently, it is difficult to establish clear distinctions between Design and Art. Traditionally and predominantly, design activities are relevant to the technological context, because scientific knowledge and technological resources are systematically applied in design methods and processes. In Art, traditionally, the application of scientific and technological resources it is not necessary, because the differentiation of artistic production is in the aesthetic-intuitive processes. Although traditionally distinct, aesthetic-intuitive aspects are observed in Design and logical-technological aspects in the artistic processes. This article highlights the aesthetic-intuitive or artistic aspects in the design of graphic-visual brand identity, especially in the creative phase of alternatives generation. We considered the recurrence of the creative part in the Design methodologies, emphasizing the qualitative, analogical and intuitive aspects that allow or impose aesthetic or artistic decisions in the graphic-visual brand identity design.


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How to Cite

Schmiegelow, S. S., & Sousa, R. P. L. de. (2020). Artistic aspects in the design of graphic-visual brand identity. DAT Journal, 5(1), 153–169.