Hacker design and graphic user interface customizations


  • Danilo Braga




Interface design, interface customization, hacker, jailbreak, iOS


Compiling and reviewing the findings of the research of the same name, this article is founded from three pillars: in the first, a freely inspired by interface archeology exercise, with a focus on customization in the history of personal computing. We investigate how customization options are consolidated in desktop operating systems for Macintosh. The second pillar is dedicated to the definition and exploration of the figure of the hacker, his appearance, performance, groups, ethics and classes. Finally, we explore the techniques of jailbreak, where hackers apply techniques and tools that seek to modify the structure of the iOS operating system and the interface customizations unlocked by the practice.


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Author Biography

Danilo Braga

Mestre em Design pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (UAM), pesquisando padrões de design hacker, visualização de dados, linguagens e interfaces móveis. Atualmente trabalhando como designer sênior na Amadeus IT Group (Berlim, Alemanha).


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How to Cite

Braga, D. . (2020). Hacker design and graphic user interface customizations. DAT Journal, 5(4), 90–115. https://doi.org/10.29147/dat.v5i4.284