The three-dimensional representation of objectiles as “transformational prostheses”


  • Monica Tavares



Objectiles, Transformational object, Digital manufacture, Prostheses, Singularity


This article is the synthesis of the homonymous presentation made at HUB Eventos Media Lab 2020 - # 19.ART, VII SIIMI, II RETINA.Internacional, and at II DAT -, whose purpose is to investigate how objectiles and digital manufacture, together with the practices of customization and singularization, act as mediators in the invention of “transformational prostheses”. Firstly, the speci[1]ficities of an objectile (Deleuze, 2000) will be highlighted and defined. Secondly, the characteristics of a transformational object (Bollas, 2015) will be delimited and described. Finally, objectiles produced through digital manufacture will be presented and described as “transformational prostheses”, thus highlighting the potential of technology to make personal idioms known.


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Author Biography

Monica Tavares

É professora plena do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais da ECA-USP; Bolsista PQ 2 (CNPq); líder do Grupo de Pesquisa em Artes, Design e Mídias Digitais (GP_ADMD), vinculado ao CNPQ e à Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP.


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CARPO, M. The alphabet and the algorithm. Cambridge; London: MIT Press, 2011.

DELEUZE, G. A dobra: Leibniz e o Barroco. Campinas: Papirus, 2000

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How to Cite

Tavares, M. (2021). The three-dimensional representation of objectiles as “transformational prostheses” . DAT Journal, 6(1), 7–18.