About devices and technological art


  • Cleomar Rocha




device, technological art, philosophy of technology


The article discusses the concept of device, based on the conceptions of Foucault and Agamben, following the Philosophy of Technology, from Heidegger and Feenberg to the conceptions of Don Ihde, in conjunction with technological art. Analytical in orientation, the text concludes that technological art is, in itself, ontologically linked to the conception of a device, in its alignment with the Philosophy of Technology.


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Author Biography

Cleomar Rocha

pós-doutor em Cidades Inteligentes (USP), pós-doutor em Poéticas interdisciplinares (UFRJ), em Estudos Culturais (UFRJ) e em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital (PUC-SP), doutor em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas (UFBA) e mestre em Arte e Tecnologia da Ima-gem (UnB). Professor dos programas de pós-graduação em Arte e Cultura Visual (FAV/UFG), Performances Culturais (FCS/UFG) e Artes (IdA/UnB). Pesquisador produtividade do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Rocha, C. (2024). About devices and technological art. DAT Journal, 9(3), 74–81. https://doi.org/10.29147/datjournal.v9i3.844