Objetos desobedientes
Ativismo, design, objetos desobedientes, movimentos sociaisResumo
O artigo enfoca as culturas dos movimentos sociais - especificamente movimentos sociais autônomos, que têm sido uma forma de organização do movimento global dominante nas duas últimas décadas - e o interesse de algumas instituições em realizar exposições sobre eles. Especialmente, é analisada a pesquisa e desenvolvimento da mostra Objetos Desobedientes, curada pelo autor para o Victoria & Albert Museum (2014). Por objetos desobedientes, o autor entende os objetos de arte e design produzidos pelos movimentos sociais ativistas populares e independentes. O contexto dos movimentos, sua teoria e prática é o contexto primário para uma compreensão fundamentada da arte ativista, tantas vezes mal enquadrada de forma simplista nos debates abstratos e herméticos do mundo da arte, em abordagens teóricas e estéticas. Para tanto, a perspectiva adotada é a da História da Arte Social.
Bari, Judi. “The Secret History of Tree Spiking,” in Timber Wars, Common Courage Press Monroe, Maine, 1994, pp.264-282.
Bell, Alice, ‘The Global Network of DIY Tear Gas Masks’, http://www.howwegettonext.com/Article/VEQ_cTUAADEAjFQ3/the-global-network-of-diy-tear-gas-masks and Designing Protest, BBC Radio 4, 25 November 2014, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04ps6py. Acesso em 1 Dez 2014.
Dow, Bonnie J., ‘Feminism, Miss America, and Media Mythology’, Rhetoric & Public Affairs 6/1 (2003), pp.127–49. Michigan State University Press. Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 2003. doi:10.1353/rap.2003.0028. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/rap.2003.0028
Duncombe, Stephen and Lambert, Steve. An Open Letter to Critics Writing About Political Art; Center for Artistic Activism, 20 October 2012. Disponível em http://artisticactivism.org/2012/10/an-open-letter-tocritics- writing-about-political-art/. Acesso em 10 Dez 2014.
Gee, Tim, Counterpower: Making Change Happen . World Changing. Ed. London, 2011.
Graeber, David, online question and answer sesison on reddit, 28 January 2013, 16:58 UTC, reply to ‘effigies’. Disponível em http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/17fi6l/i_am_david_graeber_an_anthropologist_activist/. Acesso em 5 Nov 2014.
Halberstam, Judith Jack, The Queer Art of Failure. Duke University Press. Durham: 2011. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv11sn283
Harney, Stefano; Moten, Fred. The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study. Minor Compositions Ed. London, 2013.Brian Holmes, “Liar’s Poker,” in Unleashing the Collective Phantoms: Essays in Reverse Imgineering (New York: Autonomedia, 2008)
Linebaugh, Peter and Rediker, Marcus. The Many-Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners, and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic. Beacon Press (Boston, 2001), pp.3–4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/084387140101300212
Marx, Karl, Grundrisse: Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy, trans. Martin Nicolaus. Penguin Books in association with New Left Review (London, 1973), pp.690–712
Raunig, Gerald, ‘Instituent Practices: Fleeing, Instituting, Transforming’, Art and Contem-porary Critical Practice: Reinventing Institutional Critique, ed. Gene Ray and Gerald Raunig. May Fly Books (London, 2005).
Sholette, Gregory, ‘“Not Cool Enough to Catalog”: Social Movement Culture and its Phantom Archive’, in Peace Press Graphics 1967-1987: Art in the Pursuit of Social Change, exh. Cat. CSU Long Beach University Art Museum (Long Beach, 2011), pp.87–96
Solnit, Rebecca. Hope in the Dark: The Untold History of People Power. Canongate (Edinburgh, 2005).
Williams, Raymond. The Country and the City [1973] (Nottingham, 2011) Spokesman Books.