Design, tourism and technology: market and the need to use mobile technology to help tourism in Manaus




Mobile Technology, Tourism, Interface Design


Mobile technology, the constant use of apps and the instantaneous obtain­ment of information are currently present, creating a revolution in several economic sectors, including the tourist market. Tourists are “connected”, planning trips direct­ly from their mobile devices and establishing a new tourism paradigm, in which trav­elers share their experiences and obtain local information before, during and after their trip. Thus, smartphones have become important tools for their users to navigate in unknown places.

Manaus is a city with great tourist potential, drawing attention with its environmen­tal, cultural and historical attractions. However, it is still outdated in investments that support tourists, having a deficit in infrastructure and tourist services, espe­cially in the technological area. This study aims to evaluate the need to use mobile technology as a tourist assistance at Manaus, also investigating the role of design and its benefits in the development of apps.


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Author Biographies

Mylena Brito

Design pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas e mestranda no Programa de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu em Design - PPGD/ Mestrado Profissional da Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Atualmente, trabalha e tem interesse em Design Gráfico, Identidade Visual, Estamparia, Design de Interface e Design UI e UX.

Karla Mazarelo Maciel Pacheco

Doutora em Design, Fabricação e Gestão de Projetos Industriais pela Universitat Politècnica de València (Espanha); Mestre em Ciências Florestais e Ambientais pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas e Especialista em Marketing Empresarial e em Ensino à Distância. É professora Associada, nível 1, do Departamento de Design & Expressão Gráfica da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (DEG|UFAM), além de Gestora do Programa de Educação Tutorial em Design da UFAM.


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How to Cite

Brito, M., & Pacheco, K. M. M. (2022). Design, tourism and technology: market and the need to use mobile technology to help tourism in Manaus. DAT Journal, 7(1), 280–290.