The new product, the result of the multiplication of design knowledge
Design, History, Product Design, Industrial DesignAbstract
This text deals with a perception of change regarding the concept of design in its essence and its forms of application today, especially with regard to the term product design. From the history of the word “design” that mixes with the history of “design” as an area of knowledge, passing through the analysis of design as a practical activity, going from industrial design to product design, until arriving at the product as a result of the design process, it’s observed that its meaning has changed significantly. Product design, which we originally knew, is no longer restricted to the product as an object but rather covers the product as a result of the design process, be it physical or digital, just as the product is the result of multiplication, within the scope of mathematics. This diversified knowledge multiplication aimed at innovation and the development of new solutions to problems that are becoming increasingly complex.
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