Case study of higher education final papers in Graphic and Digital Design: The IED experience
Design, Higher education, Academic research, Theory, MethodologyAbstract
In this article, professors of the Graphic and Digital Design course at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED SP) map the production of Final Papers (Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso - TCCs) carried out under their supervision from 2016 to 2019 in order to verify how the researched themes and the projects executed during this period were adjusted to the guidelines of the Course’s Pedagogical Project and to the contexts and dilemmas that shape academic and professional practices in the field of design. The first section provides an overview of the main theoretical issues that animate the debate on the relationship between research and design practice. In the second section, the importance of the TCCs for the development of the student’s profile is discussed. Finally, the third section focuses on the sampling procedures and on the analysis of examples of TCCs, aiming to identify the production based on the recognition of thematic and methodological patterns resulting from the orientation process.
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