Business Model for Conscious Fashion Brand SustinAbstract
Conscious fashion, Marketplace, Business modelAbstract
The article presents an excerpt from the investigation entitled "Production and marketing of conscious fashion for the timeless brand Sustin", developed together with the Professional Master's in Design at the University of the Region of Joinville (UNIVILLE). This research aimed to investigate production and marketing guidelines, with a view to structuring a Business Model for the Sustin brand. For the project development, the following methodological steps were established: theoretical foundation about sustainable fashion in the current context, sociocultural and market factors in fashion consumption and definition of the Business Model, data collection from similar brands, mapping of inputs and production processes with low environmental impact in the textile market, structuring the Business Model and planning the collection for the Sustin brand. The main results of the research referred to the development of the Business Model for the production and commercialization of artifacts and the creation of the capsule collection for the Sustin brand. The clipping discussed in this article highlights the development of the business model.
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