(STILL) IN THE CLASSROOM (?) Literature, its teachers and its students in the contemporary context


  • Márcio Roberto do Prado




Literature, Digital Literature, Education, Covid-19


When we think about literature and its teaching, a superficial approach would limit itself exclusively on the context of verbal language, a context in which this particular art was sedimented and from where it developed, in what we usually call the “West”, since the Homeric epics. However, in the contemporary context, producing, thinking and teaching literature requires a wider arsenal of languages, changing the dynamics and the dialogues that are established. Such is the case of digital literature, which is increasingly emerging as a prominent element in the context of literary education and which brings with it the need to adapt (or even create) tools and strategies for its approach. Affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the adoption of various remote models (often mediated by the computer), literary education found itself in a situation that, apparently, would be conducive to the teaching of digital literature. However, is that what really happened? To answer this question, we will approach literature and its actors in its educational context, highlighting how such elements relate to and affect each other in the contemporary world.


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Author Biography

Márcio Roberto do Prado

Possui doutorado em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP, campus de Araraquara, doutorado-sanduíche pela Université Paris 8 – Vincennes- -Saint-Denis, e graduação em Letras, com Licenciatura e Bacharelado em Português e Francês (2002) e Bacharelado em Italiano (2004) também pela UNESP, campus de Araraquara. Tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em estudos sobre a comunicação, a arte e a cultura contemporâneas em suas relações com mídias e tecnologias, enfocando sobretudo questões de poética. É Professor Associado do Departamento de Teorias Linguísticas e Literárias da Universidade Estadual de Maringá- UEM.


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How to Cite

do Prado, M. R. (2023). (STILL) IN THE CLASSROOM (?) Literature, its teachers and its students in the contemporary context. DAT Journal, 8(2), 216–226. https://doi.org/10.29147/datjournal.v8i2.722