Design Research: Information and Interaction within the Postgraduate Program in Design at the University of Brasília
Research in Design, Information Design, Interaction Design, Information Society, Information and Communication TechnologiesAbstract
This article presents the studies developed by the Design, Information and Interaction (DII) research line at the Postgraduate Program in Design (PPG Design) at the University of Brasília (UnB) and involves its contributions to the advancement in the field in Brazil and abroad. The developed researches seek to investigate the contexts that involve information at life in society through analysis of different types of systems that mediate human action and involves critical and aesthetic approaches in contemporary design. In addition to the critical dimensions of design, the research seeks to understand the relationships between technologies, media and places and also their implications, promoting a debate about the theoretical and practical resources related to mediation and interaction in communicative processes and their possible crossings with other areas of knowledge in the design process.
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