Philosophy of decomposition: the process of creating the Terminal hypertext novel


  • Flávio Vilela Komatsu



Digital literature, Hypertext, Terminal, Hypertextual narrative


Literary works that make expressive use of the digital medium in such a way that they become unfeasible in the printed medium: starting from this definition of digital literature and taking it as a challenge, I started the process of conceiving the work Terminal. It is a hypertextual novel, a fictional narrative that reassemble and examine the memory under the mourning of the end of a relationship. Led by the resentful monologue of one of the lovers, the narrative structures several plot possibilities, which develop in reaction to the punctual voice of the absent lover. This voice materializes in the offer of hyperlinks, each one offering an answer that leads the hurt lover to a different argument. Confronted by a history of printed hypertextual works, I sought to achieve with Terminal the necessary complexity to fulfill the premise of its material unfeasibility in a support such as the book. This essay is an effort to return to this question, among others, recapitulating and reflecting on the process of creating the work.


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Author Biography

Flávio Vilela Komatsu

Escritor, professor, mestre em Estudos de Literatura (PPGLIT-UFSCAR) e bacharel em Audiovisual (ECA-USP). Autor do romance hipertextual Terminal e do conto hipertextual Dia de folga. Publicou em 2021 o livro de poemas Ano que vem, eu vou.


CORTÁZAR, J. O jogo da amarelinha. Tradução de Fernando de Castro Ferro. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2006.

KOMATSU, Flávio V. Terminal. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em 25 jul. 2020.

KOMATSU, Flávio V. Dia de Folga. 2021. Disponível em:

KUBLER-ROSS E. Sobre a morte e o morrer. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Martins Fontes; 1985.

MURRAY, J. Hamlet no Holodeck: O futuro da narrativa no ciberespaço. São Paulo: Itaú Cultural - UNESP, 2003.



How to Cite

Vilela Komatsu, F. (2023). Philosophy of decomposition: the process of creating the Terminal hypertext novel. DAT Journal, 8(2), 260–271.