Digital artistic objetcts in the face of mediation and interaction processes


  • Andréia Machado Oliveira
  • Hermes Renato Hildebrand



Digital artistic object, Ontogenesis, Semiotics, Simondon, Peirce


In this article, we seek to think of digital artistic objects as mediators between subjects and means, based on two philosophers who, in different ways, treat reality in a relational and procedural way. For Gilbert Simondon, techno-aesthetic objects have the role of mediating worlds and transforming collective relations, being understood from an ontogenetic approach that does not dissociate culture, technology and nature. Charles S. Peirce also assesses the complexity of the world from the perspective of different aspects that go beyond the human. In his Semiotic Theory, we find the “abductive, inductive and deductive” logical inferences associated with complex systems. In fact, these philosophers lead us to reflect on the relationships between technologies, living organisms, nature and complex environmental and cultural systems. Thus, we understand that digital artistic objects are defined and define their associated environment, as well as being configured in processes of mediation and interaction.


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Author Biographies

Andréia Machado Oliveira

Artista, pesquisadora e docente nas áreas de arte, ciência e tecnologia. Pesquisadora do CNPq/PQ2. Pesquisadora Associada da University of the Witwatersrand/ Áfica do Sul. Pós-doutorado na City University of Hong Kong e doutorado na UFRGS e Université de Montréal. Vice-diretora do Centro de Artes e Letras, professora do DAV e do PPG em Artes Visuais, e coordenadora do LabInter/ PPGART na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Hermes Renato Hildebrand

Artista, pesquisador e docente nas áreas de arte, ciência e tecnologia. É pesquisador, professor e Livre Docente da UNICAMP – Universidade Estadual de Campinas. É chefe do Departamento de Multimeios, Mídia e Comunicação – DMM, na UNICAMP. Também é coordenador do Grupo CSGames – Comunicação Semiótica e Games/PUCSP. Faz parte dos coletivos artísticos SCIArts – Equipe Interdisciplinar e do Grupo cAt – Ciência, Arte e Tecnologia. http://


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. M., & Hildebrand, H. R. (2023). Digital artistic objetcts in the face of mediation and interaction processes. DAT Journal, 8(3), 122–131.



4 RETiiNA + 4 Design, Arte e Tecnologia