Digital games, automation and algorithms

Games for apparatus or for humans?


  • Fabrizio Augusto Poltronieri



Videogames, Post-history, Automation, Algorithms


This paper explores a new kind of algorithm based creativity, which has
been established and can be already seen in a new gender of video games. In order to do so, the concepts of post-history and automation are employed, as they are key for the comprehension of our algorithmic age. Perhaps, videogames are the creative field where methods of automation are most explicit: Environments and characters controlled by artificial intelligence systems have been part of this universe for a while. Video games, as cultural products, reflect actual trends, vital social changes and contemporary questions. Though, it is not just a coincidence the fact that autonomous
games begin to arise in the digital game realm. What needs to be discussed,
however, is for whom and how these games are addressed and how they will impact the human freedom.


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How to Cite

Poltronieri, F. A. (2017). Digital games, automation and algorithms: Games for apparatus or for humans?. DAT Journal, 2(1), 91–104.