contributions to the project-based practice of sighted and visually impaired students in the context of higher education in Design




SEE BEYOND, Design, Visual impairment, Sensory perception, Teaching-learning


The SEE BEYOND method, composed of three modules – Foundation; Enhancement; and Materialization – expands the structure of the project-based method, which is conventionally adopted in higher education courses in design, by incorporating sensory-motor stimuli in the development of each project-based stage. Elaborated over the course of 18 months, SEE BEYOND was first validated by a group of visually impaired people who had no previous experience or contact with academic content and references related to Design. At the same time as this method includes the visually impaired person in the higher education context, it also expands the range of stimuli experienced by sighted students; it expands the perception of the project-based elements necessary to the development of projects in the design field; and enhances the teaching-learning process undergone by students, with or without visual impairments. This article focuses on the major contributions provided by the SEE BEYOND method (1) to the visually impaired students (PVI) – representing the first validation stage for this method; as well as (2) to the sighted students - representing the second validation stage for this method.


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How to Cite

Coelho Lima Júnior, G., & Zuanon, R. (2018). SEE BEYOND: contributions to the project-based practice of sighted and visually impaired students in the context of higher education in Design. DAT Journal, 3(2), 203–231.